online sports fitness coach
fitness performance coaching progression

6-Week Online Strength & Conditioning Programs.


Welcome to ATHL, where we provide personalized online coaching and cutting-edge strength & conditioning services. Through our user-friendly online platform, you can access a tailored training program from any device, ensuring convenience and flexibility. Our programs are designed with the following objectives in mind:

Enhance the neuromuscular system
Increase functional capacity
Prevent injuries
Reduce the risk of disease
Improve sports performance

online sports fitness coach mountaineering


I am Albert Piñol, an Exercise Sciences professional with over 12 years of expertise in motor learning, altitude physiology, and muscle biomechanics.

As the founder of ATHL, I am excited to introduce our innovative platform that blends the latest exercise trends and applications. It empowers you to embark on a personalized training journey and guides you towards remarkable progress in achieving your fitness goals.


  • La millor experiencia que he tingut, gran professional que et fara arribar lluny.
    Pau Subira
    Guide and Business man
  • Now thanks to ATHL, I improved my motor skills, and I became more receptive and prepared.
    Alex Geli
    Media creator & Adventurer
  • Muy profesional, apasionado, comprometido. Recomendable al 100% para cualquier nivel, tanto en indoor como en outdoor. Te cambia la calidad de vida!
    Romina Dolonguevich
    Arquitecta & Outdoor Enthusiast
  • Professionalitat.
    Scott Jordan
    Former freeski WC athlete & Freeski coach
  • After a legendary season up on the mountains as snowboard instructor, my body stoped to respond and be reactive as usual. Luckily I came across this new muscle activation therapy and now, I'm getting back my mobility as before. Every treatment is a new discovery of myself and a nice improvement for my turns! Thanks a lot ATHL!”
    Roberto Capuano
    Snowboard instructor & Mountain enthusiast
  • Genial atenció post operació! Exercicis personalitzats per cada etapa de la recuperació, adaptats al temps lliure de cadascú i al material i ganes de què disposava. Bona aplicació per fer el control i veure els exercicis i encara millor comunicació que facilita molt la pràctica d'aquests. En conclusió, la meva experiència va ser 100% satisfactòria i els resultats immillorables.
    Marc Portet Freixa
    Alpinist and trail runner
  • Professionalism and very good service. Recommendable!
    Ezequiel Picas
    Engineer, Climber and Mountain Guide
  • Els plans personalitzats segons les necessitats de cada un i poder fer-ho des de casa són un avantatge!!! És genial!!!
    Anna Piñol
    Dentist and Outdoor adventurer
  • Si buscas mejorar tu rendimiento físico definitivamente estas en el lugar correcto!
    Nadir Ortolani
    Fitness and Outdoor Enthusiast
  • Albert is amazing. He is always there everytime I need support. I trust on him and on his exercises. Very realiable everything he offers.
    Marco Trungelliti
    ATP Professional Tennis Player
  • Estoy muy contenta con el programa de ejercicios. Desde que empecé a entrenar me siento mucho mejor, sin mis clásicos dolores musculares. Es un programa ameno para hacer en casa ya que no lleva mucho tiempo y, al hacerlo prácticamente todos los días, teniendo resultados.
    Ruth Karzovnik
    Business manager
  • Worked with ATHL.Exercise after a broken ankle during the first couple of weeks of the ski season. Albert was awesome, every session was a major benefit to my recovery. I had skis back on in just over 8 weeks and even got some good turns in before the snow melted. Albert knows his stuff, highly recommended!
    Mike Humphreys
    Engineer & Ski instructor
  • Aplicació molt complerta, fàcil de fer anar i un seguiment inmediat. Les sessions són molt dinàmiques i agraïdes de fer. Top!  ”
    Santi Corral
    Snowboard coach and Mountain bike enthusiast
  • Un màquina, ama su trabajo, te motiva y sobretodo personaliza los ejercicios. Y el trato, muy cercano. 100% recomendable! Encantado con la experiencia!!!
    David Sanitjas
    Social Educator & Dad
online sports fitness coach snowboarding


Welcome to ATHL.Exercise, where our methodology revolves around a solid foundation of strength and physical conditioning.
We leverage the advanced ATHL S-Core® system. This high-definition assessment, planner and tracking approach offers comprehensive insights into your strength and conditioning profile, providing a detailed understanding of your unique requirements and progress across the fitness spectrum.
On top, ATHL S-Core® can work, feed and track with additional data from:



Select the training plan and sign up securely through ATHL’s fast and reliable payment system.


Upon registration, you’ll be directed to an evaluation and preferences questionnaire to furnish us with essential information.


Your dedicated coach will receive the form and be excited to meet you. Schedule your first session promptly.


Embark on your initial exercise assessment, powered by the cutting-edge ATHL S-Core® system, which optimizes progression and goal attainment.

online sports fitness coach skiing


Our high-end 6 weeks programs include:

🏋️‍♀️ Personalized Strength & Conditioning: Tailored workouts for your unique fitness goals.
🧬 Health and Performance Focus: Achieve optimal health or enhance your performance.
📋 Comprehensive Pre-Exercise Screening: Ensuring suitability for your fitness journey.
💡 Cutting-Edge S-Core Profiling: Advanced technology for in-depth insights.
✏️ Tailored Program Design: Fitness plans designed just for you.
🔄 Flexible Scheduling: Work out on your terms, whenever suits you.
🏋️‍♂️ Adaptability to Equipment: Make the most of the equipment you have.
🤝 Continuous Support and Coaching: Regular follow-ups to keep you on track.
🔓 No Cancellation Fees | Cancel Anytime Warranty


athl strength and conditioning
online sports fitness coach mountainbiking


What is online fitness coaching, and how does it work?

Online fitness coaching is a convenient way to receive personalized guidance and support remotely. The process starts with an initial assessment and goal setting to understand your needs. Your coach will design a customized training program tailored to your goals. The program is delivered through an online platform or mobile app, accessible from any device. Communication channels like email, messaging apps, and video calls are used for support. Progress tracking and regular check-ins ensure accountability. Remote coaching offers flexibility in scheduling and location, suitable for busy individuals. It provides professional guidance and support in real-time, helping you achieve your fitness goals.

How is the training program personalized to my specific goals and needs?

Our online fitness coaching provides a personalized training program designed specifically for your goals and needs. Our coaches assess your objectives, preferences, limitations, and available time to create a customized plan. The program includes tailored exercises, intensity levels, and training methods. Modifications are made to accommodate limitations or special considerations. Regular check-ins and feedback ensure the program stays aligned with your goals. With our personalized approach, you can achieve optimal results and success in your fitness journey.

How do I communicate with my online fitness coach and receive support?

At ATHL.Exercise, we prioritize communication and support for our clients. You can easily connect with your online fitness coach through various communication channels, including messaging apps and scheduled video calls. Our coaches are dedicated to providing prompt responses and guidance throughout your fitness journey.

The convenience of instant messaging allows you to reach out to your coach 24/7. We understand the importance of timely support and aim to address your inquiries and concerns promptly. Rest assured that our coaches are committed to providing you with the level of support you need to achieve your fitness goals.

For scheduling appointments or further inquiries, please refer to the Contact page on our website.

Can I speak to you by phone or video chat to get more information before I join?

Absolutely! Simply book a FREE consultation to speak with an ATHL.Exercise coach directly about our services via Google Meet and discuss your needs and program details.

You can book that here: ATHL | Appointment Booking Portal

Keep in mind, if you do book this call and do not attend your scheduled time within 5 minutes of the start time, the Coach will leave the call and continue with their workday.



We understand the importance of making the right decision for your fitness journey. To help you determine if ATHL.Exercise is the right fit for you, I am delighted to get to know you during a free video call. You can also contact me via email and I will reply shortly.